Friday, April 16, 2010

safety net

Cartoon by Jeff Stahler of The Columbus Dispatch

a safety net, subjectively speaking, comprises the group of people which are there for you. the people are the ones whom are there with you, all the way through: for better or worse.

it may only be ONE person, but if they listen to what you say, talk some sense in your head, take pictures with you, travel, listen to music they abhor because it's your favourite and, most important, hold your head while you're going through the rough times of experiencing the consequences of too many drinks - then, you'll know you can count on them. and, believe me, you wouldn't want to be without them.

everybody should have a safety net. don't even think you'll survive without it. well, you might, you'll just go crazy in the meantime - no biggie...


Anonymous said...

é que nem mais!!

Joana Costa said...

Como é constituida a tua safety net??