Monday, May 6, 2013

Love and Other Drugs - aftermath

vi noutro dia e (ainda) tenho medo de escrever sobre o filme.
e pior - ou o expectável - medo de sentir.

por isso, deixo-vos apenas uma das falas.
the rest is up to you.

Maggie Murdock: What's your game?

Jamie Randall: My game?

Maggie Murdock: Oh I'm sorry. Right. This is the part where we talk about where we come from and what we majored in in college.

Jamie Randall: You have beautiful eyes.

Maggie Murdock: That's it? That's the best you got?

Jamie Randall: I'm serious. They're beautiful.

Maggie Murdock: Let's go.

Jamie Randall: Excuse me?

Maggie Murdock: You want to close right? You want to get laid?

Jamie Randall: Now?

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